The Sweet East

RT-C 81%
RT-A 52%
Comedy Drama Fantasy

A high school senior from South Carolina gets her first glimpse of the wider world, picturesque cities, and woods of the Eastern seaboard on a class trip to Washington, D.C.

Showtimes in English at Cinemas in Kyiv

Wednesday, 15 Jan

The movie 'The Sweet East' is shown in English if it is a movie in English originally - or with English subtitles, if it is NOT a movie with original audio in English.

By law, movies at cinemas in Ukraine cannot be shown without Ukranian subtitles, so if you are looking for movies without subtitles - know that you will not find them.

'The Sweet East' will be lighting up screens in Kyiv, with 1 showings at 1 fantastic cinemas. Don’t miss your chance to catch it in English!

On Rotten Tomatoes, an aggregator of movie reviews, The Sweet East is currently rated 81% by critics.

A strong rating. Critics find this movie impressive and a solid recommendation for most audiences.

According to audience reviews on Rotten Tomatoes, The Sweet East has an audience score of 52%.

Mixed reviews from audiences here. While it didn't hit the mark for most, there are still a few moments to enjoy.
