

Voduyrudu (Will, Thought, Movement, Spirit) is a folk-improvisational film-ballet, the origins of which are environment and time. This film is an act of revival of national culture, through the expressiveness of such independent elements of folk art as music and dance, displayed in the frame of the film, that transforms their action into a dynamic picture that will be tested only by faith and time.

Showtimes in English at Cinemas in Kyiv

There are currently no scheduled showings of Voduyrudu in Kyiv.

The movie 'Voduyrudu' is shown in English if it is a movie in English originally - or with English subtitles, if it is NOT a movie with original audio in English.

By law, movies at cinemas in Ukraine cannot be shown without Ukranian subtitles, so if you are looking for movies without subtitles - know that you will not find them.

'Voduyrudu' is currently scheduled to play in English 0 times at 0 different cinemas in Kyiv.
